No post-dated cheques will be accepted. Registration will be first come first serve basis and require the initial deposit (which is refundable if the competition does not occur for any reason).
Payment after the due dates are subject to a 10% late fee. Any NSF cheques are subject to a $35.00 service charge. All amount squoted are in Canadian dollars and applicable tax is additional (HST). Studios are not fully registered until payment in full has been received.
All cash awards will be given to the studio director / teacher representative by cheque only. It is at the studio director’s discretion how monetary prizes are distributed in accordance with the studio policy.
The Dancers’ Choice reserves the right to run their schedule up to 30 minutes earlier than your scheduled performance time. A pre-schedule will be provided to all participating studios to confirm all entries are correct with a deadline for any requested changes. Requests after the deadline cannot be guaranteed. The final schedule will be provided after the deadline with all possible adjustments.
A dancer(s) cannot compete more than once in the same age and category.
A copy of every participating dancers’ birth certificate is required at the competition for verification if necessary.
All music to be uploaded to DanceBug a minimum of 15 days prior to the competition. All back up USB keys must be properly labelled with studio name and be provided a minimum of one hour prior to the start of the competition on the FIRST day. Failure to turn in music at this time may result in disqualification of performance. Participating studios are responsible to pre-pitch their performance pieces. The Dancers’ Choice onsite technician will not take pitch change requests.
All routines are expected to perform in the order they are scheduled. If for any reason a routine must perform out of order, it must be performed before its scheduled adjudication. Please notify the stage manager if you need to make a request for a HOLD. The Dancers’ Choice will try to accommodate fast changes however, there will be a limit to program changes and holds at the event. Communication to The Dancers’ Choice prior to the final schedule is the time to request changes.
If a competitor exits the stage prematurely, they will be given the opportunity to perform again for adjudication. It is at the discretion of The Dancers’ Choice if a routine will “re-perform” in the event of a technical difficulty.
Use of harmful props such as swords are strictly prohibited.
Any substance that may affect the dance surface such as liquid, gel, aerosol, food, glitter, sparkles, confetti, confetti canons, dirt, sand, paint, baby powder is prohibited.
Pyrotechnics and special effects (i.e. fog, smoke) and lighting is prohibited unless pre-approved by The Dancers’ Choice. Please contact The Dancers’ Choice for approval of any props or items that may delay the competition in any way.
The Dancers’ Choice require pre-approval of any large props.
Circus routines must provide their own insurance at time of registration. Please contact us if you are unsure of this request.
Under no circumstances are Adjudicators to be approached by dancers, parents, studio directors and their staff during the competition.
Cellular phones and other mobile devices may not be used in photographic or video mode in change rooms, rest rooms, or other private areas of the competition. Additionally, no calls may be placed or taken in the theatre or back stage..
Professional photography and recording of video on the premises is not allowed. Personal photography is allowed in public areas only. You must have consent to photograph any other attendee, spectator or team member.
Disqualification will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors of The Dancers’ Choice.